
The Kickstart Academy is overseen by a board of governors/trustees. There are three core functions performed by the governing body:

  • Setting the strategic direction of the Academy
  • Holding the senior members of staff to account
  • Ensuring financial probity

Also, academy trusts are charitable companies and the trustees are company directors; therefore they must ensure the Academy complies with both charity and company law requirements. This is largely the same as those of a governor of a maintained school, such as regularly attending meetings, managing conflicts of interest, seeking advice from the senior managers and ensuring appropriate procedures are in place for reporting financial information.

The Board is supported by the Clerk. The role of the Clerk is to provide advice on governance, constitutional and procedural matters; provide effective administrative support to the Board and its committees; and manage information effectively in accordance with legal requirements.

The Board meets at least on a termly basis. Minutes can be viewed/downloaded below and reports from these meetings are available on request from the Clerk.

For information about the Kickstart Academy Board, contact Steph Morley, Clerk to the Kickstart Academy – 01952 387244 /

Public Documents
Governors' attendance
Governors' attendance 2022/23
Governors' attendance 2021/22
Governors' attendance 2020/21
Governors' attendance 2019/20
Additional information

The Kickstart Academy is the sole constituent academy of the TCAT Multi-Academy Trust (MAT).

The Chair and Vice Chair of the TCAT MAT is Gail Bleasby. The Chair of the Finance & Audit Committee is Tony Fathers.

The formally appointed officers of the MAT are as follows:

Chief Executive Officer/Accounting Officer – Graham Guest
Chief Financial Officer – Emma Caesar
Clerk to the MAT – Steph Morley

Company number – 09709935 (registered in England & Wales)

Registered office – Telford College, Haybridge Road, Telford TF1 2NP

The trust does not have any employees whose benefits exceed £100k.

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